Before talking about hair micropigmentation after general hair loss, we need to talk about what is considered general hair loss, why it happens, and how it can be prevented.
General hair loss happens due to many different factors. Causes can affect a person gradually or abruptly. If it happens gradually, it is very important to detect the early signs and stop or minimize its effects.
What are the early signs of general hair loss?
- If your seat or pillow has more than usual fallen hair.
- If during or after shower you notice more than normal amount of hair loss.
- If hair falls more than normal while brushing.
- If you see hair on the floor of your space more than the normal amount.
- If there is a noticeable difference between old and new photos.
- If there is a noticeable hair loss when looking at the mirror.
- If the lost hair doesn’t regrow in 2 months.
Why does hair loss happen?
- Genetic factors
- Wrong diet
- Vitamin deficiency
- Skin Problems
- Mineral deficiency
- Hormonal factors
- Some diseases
- Medicine use
- Pregnancy
- Chemotherapy
- Stress
- Depression
- Cosmetic products
How can hair loss be prevented?
One of the main causes of hair loss is the wrong diet, so having a balanced and healthy diet is important in preventing or delaying hair loss.
If there are any vitamin or mineral deficiencies, these should be supplemented.
Heavy chemical products should be avoided while washing hair.
Unnecessary medicine use should be avoided.
Stress and depression should be avoided.
Organic care supplements like coconut oil, olive oil should be used for hair care.
Hair shouldn’t be kept in tight knits or knobs for long periods.
How is hair micropigmentation after general hair loss is done?
Hair micropigmentation is a non-surgical application that is used to simulate the look of hair on the scalp. This application is commonly preferred by people suffering from general hair loss too. Because the area that needs to be covered in general hair loss cases is much larger, usually 4-5 sessions that each take up to 5 hours. After the completion of these sessions, a check-up session is planned 20-30 days later to assess the results and make minor corrections if needed. Hair micropigmentation can be done before or after hair transplantation too. Lifetime of hair micropigmentation is 3-5 years and inks are extracted from the body naturally after this period. Inks and techniques used in the application affect the lifetime of hair micropigmentation, as well as aftercare.