remove hair micropigmentation

Hair micropigmentation is done using special ink and they have a lifetime of 3-5 years. After this period, inks are extracted from the body naturally. But if you don’t want to wait this period, there are methods to remove hair micropigmentation earlier too. Most common of these methods is laser removal. This is very similar to tattoo removal and takes up to 12 month to completely remove the application.

In addition to this, places that promise permanent hair micropigmentation applications should be avoided. Because permanent application is not hair micropigmentation but hair tattoos. Inks used in hair micropigmentation are made for the application and extracted from the body naturally after its lifetime finishes.

How is hair micropigmentation by laser done?

Most common way of removing hair micropigmentation is laser treatment. This is very similar to tattoo removal and takes up to 12 month to completely remove the application. If the ink used in the application is hair tattoo ink, it can’t be completely removed. Because of this, inks and equipment used in the application should be carefully researched and it should be done by a trusted expert.

You should also know that hair micropigmentation removal by lasers takes a long time. Because of this you should be sure you want to remove it ready for it. There can also be scars left after the laser removal.

Hair Micropigmentation Saline Removal

This removal is done by using saline and the application machine to remove the hair micropigmentation. It takes 5-6 sessions for the complete removal. If the ink used is hair micropigmentation ink removal can be made successfully, but if it is hair tattoo ink, complete removal is not possible.

Is it possible to get hair micropigmentation done again after the removal?

In order to see if it’s possible, the area where the removal was made should be examined. With that being said, it is possible that hair micropigmentation can be redone on the areas that it has been removed.

In order to not need a removal after hair micropigmentation, a few subjects should be kept in mind for best results.

1 – Who can get hair micropigmentation done?

Ones who had alopecia.
Ones who are not satisfied with hair transplantation results.
Ones who have sparse hair.
Ones who want to cover scar or burn marks.
Ones who have a receding or irregular front hairline.

2 – Who shouldn’t get hair micropigmentation done?

Ones who don’t feel ready for this application psychologically.

3 – What are the must-knows for hair micropigmentation?

If you don’t want to have to have hair micropigmentation removed, equipment and expert that will be using them should be carefully researched. If the application expert doesn’t know the way the hair grows, this will cause unnatural results.